wpl::wifi::stats::abstract_stats | |
wpl::wifi::stats::activity | |
wpl::wifi::internals::adapter< T, Tag > | |
wpl::tool::addr< ValueType, N, HexNotation, SepNotation > | Generic network address |
wpl::wifi::stats::addr_growth< Epoch, OnlyAccountTxer > | |
wpl::wifi::internals::addr_mapping_factory | Factory for addr_mapping |
stats::addr_state | |
wpl::tool::hex::params::ahc4x4 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::anon_hooks | |
wpl::filter::anonymizer< InputIterator, Phy, AnonPolicy, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::anonymizer_iterator< I, P, A, B, Bottom > | Iterator class of wpl::filter::anonymizer |
wpl::tool::bad_file | Exception: file contains invalid/inconsistent data |
wpl::wifi::stats::stats::hooks::beacon_data | |
wpl::wifi::stats::beacon_items_growth< Epoch > | |
wpl::filter::internals::blacklist_predicate | |
blacklist_predicate | |
wpl::tool::bottom | Static hierarchy terminator |
wpl::wifi::stats::bss_stats | |
wpl::wifi::internals::bss_tmp_tag | |
wpl::wifi::bssid_address_hooks | Helper hooks for bssid_address() |
wpl::tool::datafile | Output file which creation/opening is delayed until the first output |
wpl::opt::internals::defaults_list< NextDefaultsList > | Static list of opt::internals::pair's |
wpl::wifi::stats::delimiter_frames | |
wpl::wifi::dissector< Hooks > | IEEE 802.11 frame parser |
wpl::wifi::dissector_default_hooks | Default (empty) hooks to be used with dissector |
stats::distribution | |
wpl::wifi::internals::dst_tmp_tag | |
wpl::wifi::anon::dummy_essid_policy | |
wpl::wifi::anon::dummy_mac_policy | |
wpl::pcap::internals::DummySetup | |
wpl::pcap::internals::DummyUpdate | |
wpl::wifi::merge_helpers::dump | |
wpl::wifi::internals::empty< Tag > | |
wpl::phy::empty_header< Bottom > | Empty PHY header (i.e |
wpl::phy::empty_time< Bottom > | Empty timing information |
wpl::wifi::stats::epoch_tracker< T, EpochLength > | |
wpl::filter::internals::equal< HT, S1 > | |
wpl::wifi::essid | |
wpl::wifi::merge_helpers::extended_merge_state< Iterator > | |
wpl::filter::fast_intersector< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::fast_intersector_iterator< I1, I2, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::pcap::file< Bottom > | pcap file |
wpl::tool::file_error | Exception: a file-related operation failed |
wpl::pcap::internals::file_frame_header | PCAP file format representation of a packet header |
wpl::pcap::internals::file_header | PCAP file format internal header |
wpl::pcap::internals::file_iterator< Stream, Bottom > | Iterator over frames for pcap istream's |
wpl::tool::filter< InputIterator, Predicate, Bottom > | |
wpl::tool::internals::filter_iterator< I, P, B, Bottom > | |
stats::frames | |
wpl::wifi::stats::gap_lengths | |
wpl::wifi::stats::gaps | |
wpl::wifi::anon::generic_policy< MACAnonPolicy, ESSIDAnonPolicy > | |
AddrsPlot::Geometry | |
wpl::tool::get_exact< Down, Up > | Get an exact type given a type and its Bottom parameter |
wpl::tool::get_exact< bottom, Up > | Template specialization to make get_exact work |
wpl::wifi::stats::growth< T, EpochLength > | |
wpl::tool::hex::params::h1 | |
hash< wpl::tool::microseconds_stamp< T > > | |
hash< wpl::wifi::internals::adapter< T, Tag > > | |
hash< wpl::wifi::internals::empty< Tag > > | |
hash< wpl::wifi::internals::hash_value > | |
hash< wpl::wifi::timestamp > | |
hash< wpl::wifi::unique_id< Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4 > > | |
wpl::wifi::internals::hash_hooks_80211 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::hash_hooks_80211_OLSR | |
wpl::wifi::internals::hash_value | |
wpl::avs::header | AVS header format |
wpl::wifi::ctl::cts::header | Ack. / CTS frame structure |
wpl::wifi::ctl::rts::header | RTS frame structure |
wpl::wifi::ctl::ps_poll::header | IEEE 802.11 PS-Poll frame structure |
wpl::wifi::ctl::cf_end::header | IEEE 802.11 CF-End / CF-End+CF-Ack frame structure |
wpl::wifi::data::to_ds::header | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (ToDS = 1, FromDS = 0) |
wpl::wifi::data::ap_to_ap::header | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (ToDS = FromDS = 1) |
wpl::wifi::data::within_ibss::header | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (ToDS = FromDS = 0) |
wpl::wifi::data::from_ds::header | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (ToDS = 0, FromDS = 1) |
wpl::phy::header< Bottom > | Base class for all PHY headers |
wpl::wifi::mgt::header | IEEE 802.11 management frame structure |
wpl::prism::header | Prism header format |
wpl::rtap::header | Radiotap header format |
wpl::en2::header | |
wpl::ip4::header | IPv4 header |
wpl::icmp6::header | ICMPv6 header |
wpl::ip6::header | IPv6 header |
wpl::llc::header | LLC header |
wpl::olsr::header | |
wpl::udp::header | Udp header |
wpl::snap::header | |
wpl::wifi::data::header_3addr | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (3 addresses) |
wpl::wifi::data::header_4addr | IEEE 802.11 data frame structure (4 addresses) |
wpl::args::internals::help_string | |
wit::importer::hooks | Parse a 802.11 frame and retrieve some fields that wit::importer needs |
wpl::wifi::internals::hsh_80211_tag | |
wpl::wifi::internals::hsh_80211_x_tag | |
wpl::wifi::internals::hsh_en2_tag | |
wpl::tool::fmt::html | |
wpl::wifi::internals::id_helper_hooks | Helper hooks for make_unique_id() |
wpl::tool::types< phy::empty_time< B > >::impl_type | |
wit::importer | Functor to create WIT data files from PCAP traces |
wpl::pcap::indexed_file< Bottom > | pcap file featuring random packet access |
wpl::opt::invalid_option | Exception raised when accessing a non-available option in opt::list |
wpl::opt::invalid_type | Exception raised when converting opt::value to invalid types |
wpl::pcap::istream< Bottom > | pcap stream based on std::istream |
wpl::prism::item | Prism header item |
wpl::tool::iterable< Bottom > | Base class to represent iterable objects |
wpl::tool::iterator< Bottom > | Base interface for iterators |
wpl::tool::less_using_second | Binary functor that returns lhs->second < rhs->second |
wpl::filter::linear_regression_synchronizer< InputIterator, Bottom > | |
wpl::pcap::list< Stream, Bottom > | |
wpl::opt::list | List of options |
wpl::tool::list_of_iterables< T, Bottom > | |
wpl::tool::list_of_iterables_iterator< T, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::lr_sync_iterator< I, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::lrsync_wrapper< F > | |
wpl::tool::mapping< Key, Value, Factory > | Mapping from designed to be stored into a database file |
wpl::pkt::match | |
wpl::filter::internals::merge_wrapper< HT, Merger, I, F > | |
wpl::pkt::metadata | Meta-information for a network packet |
wpl::tool::microseconds | Represent an arbitrary number of microseconds |
wpl::tool::microseconds_stamp< T > | Mixin class to add a microsecond count to an existing class |
wpl::wifi::stats::missed_estimations | |
wpl::wifi::stats::module | |
wpl::wifi::stats::module_list< Head, Tail > | |
wpl::opt::name | Option name for opt::list |
wpl::wifi::stats::non_increasing_timestamp | |
wpl::filter::non_noisy_prism< InputIterator, Bottom > | Filter out PCAP frames which Prism noise field is non-null |
wpl::filter::internals::non_noisy_prism_iterator< I, B, Bottom > | Iterator over non-prism-noisy frames |
wifi::frame::filter::old_intersector< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, Bottom > | |
wifi::frame::filter::internals::old_intersector_iterator< I1, I2, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::wifi::stats::on_off_data | |
wpl::pcap::ostream | Enable frame/packet dumping to PCAP files |
wpl::pkt::packet< Source > | Network packet |
wpl::tool::lr::pair< ImplType > | Linear regression adapter - make a std::pair suitable for linear regression |
wpl::opt::internals::pair | (name, value) option pair for opt::list's constructor |
wpl::tool::lr::pair_with_microseconds< ImplType > | Linear regression adapter - make a std::pair of elements with microseconds suitable for linear regression |
wpl::pcap::internals::file_frame_header::pcap_timeval | |
AddrsPlot::Plot | |
wpl::wifi::anon::internals::ppep_mapping_factory | |
ppep_mapping_factory | |
ppmp_mapping_factory | |
wpl::wifi::anon::internals::ppmp_mapping_factory | |
wpl::wifi::anon::prefix_preserving_essid_policy | |
wpl::wifi::anon::prefix_preserving_mac_policy | |
stats::addr_state::presp_attr | |
wpl::tool::fmt::printable | |
stats::probe_requests | |
wpl::tool::fmt::raw | |
wpl::tool::read_error | Exception: read failed |
wpl::filter::reference_blacklist< InputIterator, B > | |
wpl::tool::seek_error | Exception: seek failed |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_bss_tmp_tag1 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_bss_tmp_tag2 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_dst_bss_tmp_tag1 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_dst_bss_tmp_tag2 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_dst_bss_tmp_tag3 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_src_bss_tmp_tag1 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_src_bss_tmp_tag2 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_src_bss_tmp_tag3 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::seq_tmp_tag | |
wpl::pkt::packet< Source >::shared_data | Data embedded in a packet |
wpl::tool::internals::SI_unit< OneUnitInBits > | Helper class to display human readable bit sizes |
wpl::wifi::stats::simple_counters | |
wifi::frame::filter::simple_merge< HeaderType, InputIterator1, InputIterator2, Bottom > | |
wifi::frame::filter::internals::simple_merge_iterator< HT, I1, I2, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::wifi::internals::src_bss_tmp_tag1 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::src_bss_tmp_tag2 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::src_tmp_tag | |
wpl::wifi::ssid_elt | |
wpl::wifi::stats::ssid_stats | |
wpl::wifi::stats::sta_counters | |
wpl::tool::static_base< Bottom > | Base class of all static hierachies |
wpl::wifi::stats::stats | |
wpl::pcap::stream< Bottom > | pcap stream |
wpl::pkt::stream< Bottom > | Packet stream |
wpl::filter::synchronized_frame< OriginalFrameType, ImplType > | |
wpl::wifi::internals::tag1 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::tag2 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::tag3 | |
wpl::wifi::internals::tag4 | |
wpl::wifi::stats::tfi_plot | |
wpl::phy::internals::tick_switch< I, B > | |
wpl::phy::internals::tick_switch< struct timeval, B > | |
wpl::phy::internals::tick_switch< uint32_t, B > | |
wpl::phy::internals::tick_switch< uint64_t, B > | |
wpl::prism::time | Prism headers timing information |
wpl::phy::time< Bottom > | Base class for all PHY headers' embedded timing information |
wpl::filter::time_adjuster< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, HeaderType, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::time_adjuster_iterator< InputIterator1, InputIterator2, HeaderType, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::time_adjuster_wrapper< HT, I1, I2, F > | |
wpl::wifi::time_converter< PhyHeaderType, Bottom > | Convert a time_tracker microsecond count to various PCAP and PHY fields |
wpl::wifi::time_converter< PhyHeaderType, Bottom >::time_values | Hold time_converter 's conversion results |
stats::timed_events | |
wpl::wifi::timestamp | IEEE 802.11 timestamp frame element |
wpl::phy::timetracker< Bottom > | Microsecond-grained time tracker |
wpl::filter::timetracker< InputIterator, HeaderType, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::timetracker_iterator< InputIterator, HeaderType, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::tool::types< Type > | Virual types for static hierarchies |
wpl::tool::types< avs::header > | |
wpl::tool::types< filter::anonymizer< I, P, A, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< filter::internals::anonymizer_iterator< I, P, A, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< filter::internals::timetracker_iterator< I, HT, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< filter::timetracker< I, HT, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< filter< I, P, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< internals::filter_iterator< I, P, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< iterable< B > > | Virtual types for iterable |
wpl::tool::types< iterator< B > > | Virtual types for iterator |
wpl::tool::types< list_of_iterables< T, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< list_of_iterables_iterator< T, B, Bottom > > | |
wpl::tool::types< pcap::file< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< pcap::indexed_file< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< pcap::internals::file_iterator< S, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< pcap::list< S, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< phy::empty_header< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< phy::empty_time< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< phy::header< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< phy::time< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< phy::uint64_time< B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< prism::header > | |
wpl::tool::types< prism::time > | |
wpl::tool::types< rtap::header > | |
wpl::tool::types< valued_iterator< B > > | Virtual types for valued_iterator |
tool::types< wifi::frame::filter::internals::old_intersector_iterator< I1, I2, B1, B2 > > | |
tool::types< wifi::frame::filter::internals::simple_merge_iterator< HT, I1, I2, B1, B2 > > | |
tool::types< wifi::frame::filter::old_intersector< I1, I2, B > > | |
tool::types< wifi::frame::filter::simple_merge< HT, I1, I2, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< window< I, Ws, S, B > > | Virtual types for window |
wpl::tool::types< window_maker< I, Ws, S, B > > | Virtual types for window_maker |
wpl::tool::types< WP_wf::reference_blacklist< I, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::fast_intersector< I1, I2, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::fast_intersector_iterator< I1, I2, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::lr_sync_iterator< I, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::non_noisy_prism_iterator< I, B1, B2 > > | Virtual types for wifi::frame::filter::internals::non_noisy_prism_iterator |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::time_adjuster_iterator< I1, I2, HT, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::uniquely_identifiable_iterator< U, I, H, B1, B2 > > | Virtual types for wifi::frame::filter::internals::uniquely_identifiable_iterator |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::internals::windowed_merge_iterator< HT, I1, I2, B1, B2 > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::linear_regression_synchronizer< I, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::non_noisy_prism< I, B > > | Virtual types for wifi::frame::filter::non_noisy_prism |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::time_adjuster< I1, I2, HT, B > > | |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::uniquely_identifiable< U, I, H, B > > | Virtual types for wifi::frame::filter::uniquely_identifiable |
wpl::tool::types< wpl::filter::windowed_merge< HT, I1, I2, B > > | |
wpl::phy::uint64_time< Bottom > | Timing information for PHY headers that just include an 64 bit timer |
wpl::tool::undefined_type | Undefined virtual type for type traits |
wpl::wifi::unique_id< Id1, Id2, Id3, Id4 > | Identifier for uniquely identifiable frames |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< hsh_80211_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< hsh_80211_x_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< hsh_en2_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< seq_bss_tmp_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< seq_dst_bss_tmp_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< seq_src_bss_tmp_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< seq_tmp_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< src_bss_tmp_id > | |
wpl::wifi::unique_id_factory< tmp_id > | |
wpl::filter::uniquely_identifiable< UniqueId, InputIterator, HeaderType, Bottom > | Filter uniquely identifiable frames out of PCAP frames |
wpl::filter::internals::uniquely_identifiable_iterator< U, I, H, B, Bottom > | Iterator over uniquely identifiable frames |
wpl::tool::user_interruption | Exception: user manually interrupted execution |
wpl::avs::header::v2_extra_fields | Extra fields when header's version is 2 |
wpl::opt::value | Option value for opt::list |
wpl::tool::valued_iterator< Bottom > | Iterator which embeds its value |
wpl::tool::window< InputIterator, WSize, Step, Bottom > | Sliding window |
wpl::tool::window_maker< InputIterator, WSize, Step, Bottom > | Iterable object that builds windows over a sequence |
wpl::filter::windowed_merge< HeaderType, InputIterator1, InputIterator2, Bottom > | |
wpl::filter::internals::windowed_merge_iterator< HT, I1, I2, B, Bottom > | |
wpl::tool::write_error | Exception: write failed |